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The Pupil Services Department implements proactive educational, curricular and behavioral interventions to create a safe and productive learning environment for all SDUHSD students.
Liaison for Homeless Students
We do everything in our power to provide quality education, opportunities, and services to children and youth facing homelessness. Our district ensures that homeless students and their families know their legal rights to receive those services.  To learn more about federal law specifically protecting the rights of students facing homelessness, and district supports under the law, read about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
The SARB supports the individual schools by involving families in attempting to resolve students' attendance problems. Meetings are held once a month at the District office. Individual cases are heard by a panel of professionals that may include law enforcement, San Diego County Office of Education Child Welfare Officer, a San Diego County Probation Officer, as well as district office and school staff.
SDUHSD students are disciplined by the use of detention, suspension and expulsion. Pupil Services processes suspensions and expulsions, while detention is totally an individual school function. At the beginning of each year, all students are made aware of the discipline rules and the consequences for not following them. Suspension is utilized for semi-serious to serious violations while expulsion removes a student from the school district. Suspension can be from 1-5 days. A parent conference must be held with the school administration before a student returns to school.
Laura Strachan Director of Pupil Services (760) 753-6491 ext. 5585
Cathy Shroyer Administrative Assistant (760) 753-6491 ext. 5596