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Thank you for your interest in enrolling in the San Dieguito Union High School District. 
SDUHSD enrolls all students in grades 7-12 who currently reside within the designated attendance area as determined by residence address.
Please review the School Locator & Boundaries Map and Board Policy 5111.1 which outlines district residency criteria and attendance areas. 
We hope to make the enrollment process as efficient as possible. Please access the information below related to enrolling. 
annual high school selection

annual high school selection

PLEASE NOTE: Enrollment is not used for the annual High School Selection process.
Click here for the High School Selection page.

Enroll In Schools

Please see the following instructions for both:
CURRENT school year enrollment - to begin attending a SDUHSD school now  
NEXT SCHOOL YEAR - Pre-enrollment for the following school year.
All enrollment is conducted using the Aeries Online Enrollment platform. The online process must be completed before the School Registrar can actually enroll the student.  
Important Notes:
  • The Aeries Online Enrollment platform is completely separate from the Aeries Parent or Student Portal platform - If you have an existing Aeries Portal account, please DO NOT attempt to use it for online enrollment.
  • If you already have a Parent Portal account for another student, you will be able to link your new student to the existing portal after the student enrollment is completed with the school. 
Resources to review prior to beginning the enrollment process: 
  1. Search the School Site Locator and District Boundary Map for your current residential address to identify your residential boundary school assignment.
  2. Gather the Required Enrollment Documents and Information (English/Spanish) - During your session, you will be required to upload all Required Enrollment Documents and Information. For assistance, refer to the Aeries Online Enrollment DOCUMENT UPLOAD Guide and the Online Enrollment Application Video Tutorial.
  3. For troubleshooting support, refer to Aeries Online Enrollment Guide (English/Spanish). 
  4. Parent and student portal accounts will automatically be created after the school finalizes the student enrollment; you will receive an email with instructions at that time. 
  • For CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR ENROLLMENTS ONLY:  After submitting the required Confirmation/Signature Page, please contact the boundary school directly if you have not heard from the school within a few working days.
Click the button to begin enrollment for the current school year or
pre-enrollment for the next school year.
 Start Enrollment Online

Enrolling if Arriving from Outside the U.S.

The district enrolls all students currently residing in the designated attendance area as determined by residence address. SDUHSD does not accept international exchange students and does not participate in the I-20 program.
The California Department of Education requires local educational agencies to collect and report demographic data consistent with federal requirements. Educational agencies must abide by these valid code combinations and are not allowed to change them.​ (Ref: California Government Code Section 8310.5, CDE FAQs - Race and Ethnicity Collection and Reporting​)  ​
Information about citizenship/immigration status is never needed for school enrollment and a Social Security number is never needed for school enrollment. 
Required documents for students arriving with their families from outside of the United States include immunization records and documents from the student’s parent or guardian to demonstrate proof of the child’s age.
English Language screening is required by California law for each student who has a language other than English in their linguistic background. SDUHSD personnel will schedule an appointment for the assessment once enrollment is completed.


  • For general enrollment questions, contact the boundary school.
Boundary Middle School Welcome Letter (English / Spanish)
  • Carmel Valley Middle School -
  • Diegueño Middle School -
  • Earl Warren Middle School -
  • Oak Crest Middle School -
  • Pacific Trails Middle School -
Boundary High School Enrollment Emails
  • La Costa Canyon High School - 
  • Torrey Pines High School - 

 Academy High School Enrollment Emails
  • Canyon Crest Academy High School - 
  • San Dieguito High School Academy - 
Use the Translate Language Menu Buttondropdown menu at the top right of this page to translate pages.
CA Office of Attorney General Immigration-Enforcement Actions at California Schools  - Guide for Students and Families 
OPTIONAL FORMs & resourceS

OPTIONAL FORMs & resourceS

- Application for Free Meals English/Spanish
- Lunch Prepaid by Credit Card - English/Spanish 
- Transportation - English/Spanish