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List of District Committees

Please see the following list of committees, including descriptions of their purpose and schedule of meetings. More information on each committee will be provided as it becomes available. 
Below are communities in the committee that members of the Board have expressed an interest in attending and contributing to in order to develop connections to the District. Some committees will have one, two or one and an alternate trustee. 
Meeting Times/Locations: Ad Hoc / Carlsbad Unified School District
Purpose: The City/Schools Committee includes representation from the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Unified School District, Encinitas Union School District, San Dieguito Union High School District and the San Marcos Unified School District.
Trustee(s): Katrina Young
Meeting Times/Locations: 2/15, 4/19., 6/21, 8/16, 10/18, 12/20 8:10-9:30 am Poinsettia Room at Encinitas City Hall
Purpose: The City of Encinitas School District Liaison Committee includes representation from the City of Encinitas, Cardiff School District, Encinitas Union School District, Mira Costa College and San Dieguito Union High School District.
Trustee(s): Katrina Young
Meeting Times/Locations: 1st Thursday of the month on a quarterly basis (March, June, September, December) (7:30 am - 8:30 am) / Mayor's Conference Room, City Hall 
Purpose: This committee handles relations with San Dieguito Union High School District, Solana Beach School District and Solana Beach and private schools located within the Solana Beach boundaries.
Trustee(s): Jane Lea Smith
Meeting Times/Locations: Board of Governors - Bimonthly (September, November, January, March, May), Board of Trustees - TBA / San Marcos Unified School District
Purpose: The North Coastal Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE) is a Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA) that is composed of 14 school districts in North San Diego County.
Trustee(s): Jane Lea Smith and Katrina Young
Legislative Action Network, Local/Regional
Meeting Times/Locations: TBA
Purpose: This network is composed of area districts and is intended to create collaboration when communicating with elected officials in Sacramento and Washington D.C regarding regional impact of state and federal policies and financial decisions Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (ICOC)
Trustee(s):  Katrina Young

A “superintendent committee” is a temporary committee that is not subject to the Brown Act, and which is put together by the Superintendent to get guidance regarding a specific area. Committee members are selected by the Superintendent for their expertise in a given area and/or demonstrated commitment to the subject area. 
Superintendent Committee Meeting
Meeting Times/Locations: TBD
Purpose: To provide the community with Curriculum Transparency, Accountability, Types of Training provided, and Communication
Members: Michael Allman, Rimga Viskanta (Alternate, Katrina Young)
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Meeting Times/Locations: Quarterly (5:30 - 6:30pm)
Purpose: The superintendent will meet with parent reps of school-connected organizations (e.g. presidents of Foundations or PTOs), a rep from the Spec Ed Taskforce, DELAC, and ELAC,  to share information, discuss school site needs and other topics to support the parent volunteers supporting our school sites. If a site or program does not have a school-connected organization (e.g. COAST, Sunset), then the site Principal may recommend a representative (either by appointment, site interviews, or through a rotating position).
Members: Superintendent, Executive Cabinet, Presidents of school-connected organizations or their organization’s alternate
Primary Contact: Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Pool Committee
Meeting Times/Locations: Monthly
Purpose: Ninety percent of high school districts in California have aquatic classrooms/facilities to help meet the aquatic component of the CA PE Ed Code and CA’s Model PE standards, pool time for their school athletic programs and a community resource to develop water safety and competency. SDUHSD has 13,000 students and has never had school pools. The purpose of this committee is to explore site options, further explore costs of building and maintaining the pools, and possible funding options. 
Members: Representatives from Business Services (for funding and facilities support), Aquatic Builder Consultant, parents involved with aquatic teams, and members of the community with knowledge of local aquatic programs and needs.
Primary Contact: Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Below are communities in the committee that members of the Board have expressed an interest in attending and contributing to in order to develop connections to the District. Some committees will have one, two or one and an alternate trustee. 
Meeting Times/Locations: TBD
Purpose: Two or three meetings annually, where community partners, staff, and high school students discuss and plan best ways to support the 70+ high school courses we offer.  A sampling of those courses:  Digital Imaging, Journalism, Digital Photo, Computer Programming, AP Computer Science, Biotechnology, Engineering Design, Robotics, Metals Technology, Auto Tech, Culinary Arts.
Members: Jane Lea Smith, Phan Anderson
Primary Contact: Manuel Zapata, Director of Specialized Programs
Meeting Times/Locations: For the 2022-23 Academic Year, SDUHSD will hold 6 meetings; 2 in-person at EWMS and 4 virtual. 
Purpose: Each CA public school with 51 or more English learners must form a DELAC.The DELAC conducts a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis, reviews district reclassification procedures, and establishes a district program, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners.
Members: Parents or guardians of English learners shall constitute the majority membership (51% or more) of the committee.
Primary Contact: Dr. Brieahna Weatherford, Director of Teaching, Learning, & Innovation
District Safety Committee
Meeting Times/Locations: Bi-Monthly at 7:30am
Purpose: The purpose of the District Safety Committee is to ensure that the District implements and monitors safety measures, safety & emergency plans, and reviews and addresses safety-related issues and concerns as they arise.
Members: Associate Superintendent of Business Services, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Principals, 2 Nurses
Primary Contact: Associate Superintendent of Business Services
Meeting Times/Locations: October, January, & April, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, EWMS
Purpose: Each CA public school with 21 or more English learners must form an English Learner Advisory Committee. This committee advises the principal and staff in the development of a site plan for English Learners and submits the plan to the School Site Council for consideration of inclusion in the School Plan for Student Achievement. Parents or guardians of English Learners shall constitute at least the same percentage of the ELAC membership as their children represent the student body.
Members: The parents or guardians of English learners shall elect the parent members of ELAC and be provided the opportunity to vote in the election. Training will be provided. 
Primary Contact: Dr. Brieahna Weatherford, Director of Teaching, Learning, & Innovation
Facilities Committee
Meeting Times/Locations: TBD
Purpose: This committee meets to explore facility usage, rental, maintenance and operations to report back to the full Board in District needs.
Members: Trustees Michael Allman and Rimga Viskanta, Superintendent, Associate Superintendent of Business Services, Director of Facilities, and representatives as needed from school sites and/or school-connected organizations.
Primary Contact: Tina Douglas, Associate Superintendent of Business Services
Head Counselor Committee
Meeting Times/Locations: Monthly
Purpose: To review topics related to counseling domains (academic, college and career, and behavior)
Members: Head Counselors, Melissa Sage, Jayme Cambra, Bryan Marcus, and other district staff as needed. 
Primary Contact: Bryan Marcus, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services
Meeting Times/Locations: TBD
Purpose: The Parent Curriculum Advisory Committee provides guidance and input on the continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction in SDUHSD schools.
Members: Trustees Michael Allman, Phan Anderson, Jane Lea Smith and Katrina Young (two board members attend and alternates throughout the year) 
Primary Contact: Bryan Marcus, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services
Principal Committee
Meeting Times/Locations: Twice Monthly on Thursdays
Purpose: The Superintendent, Executive Cabinet and Principals (and other district reps as needed) meet twice a month virtually or in-person to discuss site needs, upcoming agenda items and other district topics.
Members: Superintendent, Executive Cabinet, Principals
Primary Contact: Bryan Marcus, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services
Assistant Principal Community of Practice
Meeting Times/Locations: Monthly
Purpose: The Superintendent, Executive Cabinet and Assistant Principals (and other district reps as needed) meet once a month virtually or in-person to discuss site needs, provide training, and to school site topics. 
Members: Superintendent, Executive Cabinet, Directors, Coordinators, Assistant Principals
Primary Contact: Bryan Marcus, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services
Meeting Times/Locations: Quarterly (July, October, January, April) / San Dieguito Union High School District
Purpose: This Committee is responsible for providing oversight of the District’s use of Proposition AA bond proceeds and reporting to the Board and public on their findings.
Members: ICOC Committee Members
Primary Contact: Robin Duveen, President of ICOC
Meeting Times/Locations: Quarterly / San Dieguito Union High School District Office
Purpose: To elicit feedback from representative parents and assistant principals related to implementation of the Special Education Strategic Plan. 
Primary Contact: Kellie Maul, Coordinator of Special Education
Staff Wellness Committee
Meeting Times/Locations: Monthly
Purpose: To share resources to support the health and wellness of staff
Members: Certificated, Classified and Management
Primary Contact: Mary Anne Nuskin, Associate Superintendent of Human Resources
Meeting Times/Locations: Quarterly
Purpose: To collaborate and share resources to support the districts and school site multi-tiered systems of social-emotional support. 
Members: Deputy Superintendent, Directors, Coordinators, District PPS Staff
Primary Contact: Bryan Marcus, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services