School Safety
San Dieguito Union High School District Board of Trustees recognizes that students and staff have the right to a safe and secure campus where they are free from physical and psychological harm. The Board is fully committed to maximizing school safety and to creating a positive learning environment that includes strategies for violence prevention and high expectations for student conduct, responsible behavior, and respect for others.
District Safety Committee
The San Dieguito Union High School District maintains a district-level safety team to address and coordinate issues of concern to the entire District. The Associate Superintendent of Business Services leads the committee, which includes representatives for each school site, district facility, teachers and support staff.
School Site Safety Team
Each school site has a School Safety team with a site School Safety Coordinator who leads committee that meets to review ongoing safety concerns, to maintain the Crisis Response Plan, and to ensure consistent review of Disaster Response Plan and implementation of drills.
School Safety Is Everyone’s Concern: How You Can Help
Contact School Administration
If you are aware of a safety concern at any district school, please contact school site administration directly.
We Tip: Anonymous Reporting of Safety Concerns
Students, parents, staff and the community can report suspicious and/or illegal activities including bullying, drugs, weapons, theft, or other crimes in the school environment anonymously by contacting the We Tip Hotline, (800)78-CRIME (800-782-7463) or by going to the WeTip website to file an online report. Tips may earn up to a $1000 reward.

This local San Diego County resource for students to report concerns. Contact Students Speaking Out online or at 888-580-8477.
This San Diego County organization accepts anonymous tips about past or potential crimes at school or anywhere in the community. Phone 888-580-8477 or contact online.