2024 Meeting Agendas and Minutes
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, disability-related modifications, or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of the district's personnel commission, please contact the Director, Classified Personnel. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the district to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accommodation and accessibility to this meeting. Upon request, the district shall also make available this agenda and all other public records associated with the meeting in appropriate alternative formats for persons with a disability.
The Personnel Commission meeting will be held in person at the District Office located at 710 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas, 92024. If you prefer to attend the meeting virtually please see the details below. Join Zoom Meeting - https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/7588449580?omn=93419343260. To join the meeting virtually using a phone, please use the applicable phone number listed below:
One tap mobile
+16699006833,93720876688# US (San Jose)
Dial in Number
+1 669 900 6833 (San Jose)
Meeting ID:
+16699006833,93720876688# US (San Jose)
Dial in Number
+1 669 900 6833 (San Jose)
Meeting ID:
758 844 9580 |
Meeting Dates & Agendas
Meeting Dates & Agendas
Meeting Dates & Agendas
Minutes | |
This will be held in person at Pacific Trails Middle School and also virtually using Zoom.
The public may attend in person or virtually using Zoom
To attend by computer click: https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/93603672435
To attend by phone dial +16999006833 and input Meeting ID: 936 0367 2435
January 9, 2024 | |
This will be held in person at the District Office and also virtually using Zoom.
The public may attend in person or virtually using Zoom
To attend by computer click: https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/98272015503
To attend by phone dial +16999006833 and input Meeting ID: 982 7201 5503
February 13, 2024 | |
This will be held in person at the District Office and also virtually using Zoom.
The public may attend in person or virtually using Zoom
To attend by computer click: https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/95387058058
To attend by phone dial +16999006833 and input Meeting ID: 953 8705 8058
March 12, 2024 | |
This will be held in person at the District Office and also virtually using Zoom.
The public may attend in person or virtually using Zoom
To attend by computer click: https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/96655536273
To attend by phone dial +16999006833 and input Meeting ID: 966 5553 6273
This meeting will be held in person at the District Office and also virtually using Zoom. The public may attend in person or virtually using Zoom.
To attend by computer click: https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/92553327672
To attend by phone dail +16699006833 and input Meeting ID 925 5332 7672
This meeting will be held in person at the District Office and also virtually using Zoom. The public may attend in person or virtually using Zoom.
To attend by computer click: https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/98189059316
To attend by phone dial +1 669 900 6833 and input Meeting ID: 981 8905 9316
June 25, 2024 | |
This meeting will be held in person at the District Office and also virtually using Zoom.
The public may attend in person or virtually using Zoom.
To attend by computer click https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/97884493923
To attend by phone dial +1 669 900 6833 and input Meeting ID: 978 8449 3923
July 29, 2024 | |
The Personnel Commission meeting will be held in person at the District Office located at 710 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas, 92024. If you prefer to attend the meeting virtually please see the details below. Join Zoom Meeting - https://sduhsd.zoom.us/s/94793101901 To join the meeting virtually using a phone, please use the applicable phone number listed below:
One tap mobile
+16699006833,93720876688# US (San Jose) Dial in Number +1 669 900 6833 (San Jose) Meeting ID:
The Personnel Commission meeting will be held in person at the District Office located at 710 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas, 92024. If you prefer to attend the meeting virtually please see the details below. Join Zoom Meeting - https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/2716932742?omn=97879362971. To join the meeting virtually using a phone, please use the applicable phone number listed below:
One tap mobile
+16699006833,93720876688# US (San Jose) Dial in Number +1 669 900 6833 (San Jose) Meeting ID:
The Personnel Commission meeting will be held in person at the District Office located at 710 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas, 92024. If you prefer to attend the meeting virtually please see the details below. Join Zoom Meeting - https://sduhsd.zoom.us/j/7588449580?omn=93419343260. To join the meeting virtually using a phone, please use the applicable phone number listed below:
One tap mobile
+16699006833,93720876688# US (San Jose) Dial in Number +1 669 900 6833 (San Jose) Meeting ID:
November 12, 2024 | ||
December 10, 2024 |