AVID Tutor Jobs
What is AVID?
What is AVID?![]()
What is AVID?
AVID—Advancement Via Individual Determination—fosters a safe and open culture, high expectations for teachers and students, and collaboration in all classrooms. AVID’s mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.
What do AVID tutors DO?
AVID tutors serve as role models for AVID Elective students, sharing knowledge about college and careers as well as encouraging development of student agency. AVID tutors are trained in the AVID Tutorial Process in order to support students’ WICOR (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, reading) skill development.
AVID Trained tutors use their knowledge and experience to play a vital role in the success of the AVID elective class, where they facilitate student learning with rigorous curriculum. Tutors conduct study groups and encourage student participation and collaboration. Tutors create an engaging learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions. When continuing their education in college, many AVID students return to the program as tutors providing an active learning resource and serving as role models for students.
If you would like more information about the AVID Tutor program, please complete the Interest Form below. To view the job posting or to apply to be an AVID Tutor, click here.
AVID Tutor Interest Form
AVID Tutor Interest Form![]()
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